Evil Dead 2013 full TV Episode Download with high quality print watch online
Story line: Five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival.
Evil Dead 2013 full TV Episode Download with high quality print watch online
Movie Plot: In the much anticipated remake of the 1981 cult-hit horror film, five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival.The Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever Experience? Uh, no, that would be "The Shining!" Not this "Evil Dead" remake!
Creating the atmosphere of horror is what made "The Shining" great. Same goes for my other two favorite horror films, "The Thing" (1982) and "Psycho." Here, you get lots of close-ups of limbs being torn off, etc. But, there is only some of the atmosphere-creating at the beginning you would have needed to make this work.
Terra-gallons of gore for 90 minutes is what you get here. This unnecessary-as-usual remake has almost none of the fun and camp of the original series. There are a few brief moments of inspired humor, but that's it. This is basically pack-as-much-gore-in-as-you-can filmmaking.
Going up against Sam Raimi's original was either gutsy or misguided. I would go with misguided! Although, the original films still very much exist, so we can always see them again. I would recommend that a thousand times over wasting your time or money on this!
The few good parts were the pre-title sequence, punctuated by the title card thundering onto the screen, and a special appearance after the End Credits! Behind the camera, the film score by Roque BaƱos is the only inspired part.
You know you don't like a movie when it ticks you off the more you think about it! And, since it was an advanced screening, I didn't even have to pay to see the stupid thing!